Saturday, February 16, 2008

Language and Common Phrases

The official language of Mozambique is Portuguese, but this is spoken only by the approximate quarter of the population that has received school education. Portuguese is the language of the Mozambican education, business, and legal systems, which poses a problem for the great majority of the population who cannot read or speak it.
Bantu Languages
Approximately 60 other languages and dialects are spoken in Mozambique. All are of Bantu origin, and can be roughly categorized by geography. The 40% of the Mozambican population living north of the Zambezi speaks the endemic Makua-Longwe dialects. Tsonga predominates south of the Limpopo, and Tonga and Shona are spoken in the central region. Some people in the northern coastal regions also speak KiSwahili, a simplified Bantu language with Arabic influences.

Shangana (spoken in South Mozambique) Portuguese
· Hello- Xeweni Good morning- Bom dia
· Good Morning- Dzi xili Good afternoon- Boa tarde
· Good bye- Hambanini Good night- Boa noite
· Thank you- Kanimambu Thank you- Obrigada/o
· Yes- hin Yes- Sim
· No – Hinhi No- Nao
· How much is it?- I mali muni? How much is it?- Quanto custa?

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